Monday, April 11, 2011

Wait for my deliverance?! God, are you serious? (part 1)

I am going to share with you a revelation I got when reading Jeremiah 29 one day.  I had been seeking out something to share with a friend who was in a tough situation and I heard the Holy Spirit whisper the "famous" verse (Jeremiah 29:11) to me: "for I know the plans I have for you..."  I went to Jeremiah 29 and began to read it from the BEGINNING.  WOW!  We do this verse tremendous injustice by just quoting that one little part.  The context surrounding this verse is so rich and full of so much more meaning and depth. This verse is sandwiched in the middle of a word that God was giving His people (through Jeremiah) about deliverance.  We want to just take that one little section and run with it!

Does that mean that God doesn't really have a plan for us?  No, that's not what I'm saying.  He definitely has a plan for us, but it isn't always just to snatch us up out of our problems, dust us off, and to hand us a gift.  His plans come to us often times as we wrestle in that place we don't want to be, knowing that what God says is true and that He loves us no matter what...and yes, most of the time we actually have to WAIT for Him to deliver us!

Waiting isn't something we "Americans" are much good at.  I know, this isn't politically correct; truth is rarely politically correct!  I would suggest that many "American Christians" are even worse at waiting...ouch right?

Over the next few posts, I will break Jeremiah 29:4-14 down and show you the amazing truth I found in here about deliverance!  Are you ready? 
Read this portion of scripture...
       and meditate upon it until my next post... 

"You mean I have to wait?" 
I'll check back soon...

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