Friday, April 8, 2011


I suppose if I am to begin a blog, I should have an introduction of some sort.  Many of you who may choose to follow this know me well, but I imagine from time to time someone might stumble upon something I write and would like to know who this "quirky" person is and why I am writing a blog.

So consider this a prelude of sorts.  An introduction to all God might do in the following pages of this "song".  I am a woman (a wife, a mother, a daughter, and a sister) on a journey to the fullness of life that only Christ has to offer.  He is the Healer, the Redeemer, and He is my friend.  He is the one Whom my soul seeks.  He has taken all of the ashes of my life and is using them to create beauty.  Some days the beauty is hard to see, but if you look closely you might catch a glimpse.  This metamorphosis takes patience.  I like to say that I'm learning to wait patiently in impatient skin.  More often than not, I fumble and fail, but God is still there loving me and never letting me forget that He has a plan for me.  I hope that when my life in this earthly realm has ended that people will remember me as someone who loved deeply, fought hard, lived life authentically, and was a true friend. I can only be these things in the strength that Christ provides. 

On this journey from ashes to beauty, I long to take others by the hand and be used to tend to the deepest wounds in their soul.  To lead them to this man they call Jesus.  He sets the captives free!  Will you come along with me?  Would you like to meet Him?  Will you let Him in?

I pray that you will walk beside me on this path of faith.  Sometimes the journey seems long and the path a bit rocky.  It is good to know that others are walking alongside me.  I am not qualified in any way to lead, but sometimes that role is thrust upon me.  From time to time I have a few "nuggets" of truth to share.  That is what this blog is for:  To share what the Lord impresses upon my heart with other women (wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters) who long to be a beautiful reflection of their King, to stop along life's road and help a wayward soul, and to keep moving, one foot in front of the other towards the goal!

Isaiah 61


  1. Very nice introduction to your blog. You are such a good writer and such a wonderful person & friend. You are an awesome leader as well. I love how you added "quirky" to it, since that is how you described yourself in Bible study class to have something for the q's. lol Love ya. :)~ Rena

  2. Thanks Nichol. I'm glad God has used this. If you need anything else, please let me know.
