Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wait for my deliverance?! God are you serious? (part 3)

"Also seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile.  Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you will prosper too." 
Jeremiah 29:7

By now, in our study and application of Jeremiah 29 in our own lives, it should be very clear which "city" you are in: Exile, Wilderness, or on the Mountain top (glory season).  This verse is helpful in forming our mindset in the "city" we find ourselves in.  It can make the difference in whether we are to stay (and die) or to be delivered!  It gives focus to life and starts the wheel in heaven spinning on our behalf.  

Remember that the Israelites were in exile and now living among their enemy.  God was showing them how to survive by telling them to live life (:5-6), and seek peace.  He's instructing them to turn their eyes away from self and towards someone else.  Focus is what they are getting.   Instead of battling thoughts of condemnation, defeat, shame, anger, etc.  God is saying, seek peace in this place and pray for your enemy! 

There is so much power in praying for our enemy.  It is a tool, we as Believers rarely pick up. Jesus instructed us to, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, to show that you are the children of your Father Who is in heaven..." (Matthew 5:44&45b).  When we begin to pray for others in our "city" to prosper, we are sowing seeds of faith into heaven's soil on their behalf.  We are releasing the power of God into their situation and at the same time, opening a window to heaven in our heart.  Whatever we sow, we will reap (Gal 6:7)!  In some ways, this is one of those "mysteries" in the Kingdom of God.  It is a mystery that I have seen work! You can see it work too.

Why does it work?  It works because peace and prayer change things.  If you have peace, you're not being led by emotions or circumstance, but by the Spirit of God.  Jesus is the Prince of Peace!  God has not given us a spirit of fear (which can take many forms.  ie: worry and doubt) but power, love, and a sound (disciplined) mind (2Tim. 1:7)!  When we begin to seek peace, we are learning to draw on Christ and lean into God (Prov. 3:5-6).  By praying for others, our focus is outward and upward, rather than on our own wants and needs.  It takes us out of the realm of selfish ambition (which leads to sin) and into the realm of faith! When we can do all of this for our enemies, then we will quickly begin to understand the love and grace the Father has for us.  Inside, compassion begins to grow and we get a new perspective on the place where we are.

I want to very quickly show you how Jer. 29:7 might apply to the three different "cities" in life:

Exile: Let's face it,  Exile is a place surrounded by the enemy.  Sin has led one here and it is of utmost importance to begin to allow God INTO that "city".  Let's say your exile is jail (since that is an actual place one might be carried off to).  What can you do in jail to seek the peace and prosperity of the city?  You can begin by asking the Holy Spirit to show you the needs of those tending the jail.  If you ask, He will show you.  Maybe one of the guards is always grouchy, or someone there is a single mom.  Lift up THEIR needs to God and ask Him to bless them!  Or ask God to bless the judge that sentenced you there...get the picture?  At first, it may be more out of obedience that you pray and your prayer may be simple: God bless that guard...or Lord, please bless the judge that sent me here and protect his/her family.  But over time, it will become genuine and you will see a love grow in your heart for that person.  During this time frame, don't ask God to bless you.  Simply pray for those over you who are tending the "city" and see what happens! 

Wilderness: In the wilderness, I believe the peace is most important to find. Remember the wilderness is a place we are led into by the Lord and He has prepared this place for us.  If we understand that we're here to learn something and that it is for a season, then we can pray properly.  The enemy likes to go into the wilderness to deceive us into thinking that we are in exile.  Seeking the peace of the "city" may actually be praying that, the peace that passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7)!  It can also be handing over those things which are out of your control (examples could be: surmounting medical bills or someone else not following God) over to God rather than continually worrying about them.  There are always others in the wilderness with you and praying for them to have that peace and provision will bring it into your life too.  Find someone going through a similar experience and begin to fast and pray for them and see what happens!

Mountain top: On the mountain top you have perspective of the other cities!  You can see the bigger picture, because you aren't "stuck" there.  Mountain top people are so important in helping those in the "valley" to get out.  When you see someone in one of these other places, encourage them, lift them up to the Father, and pray over them!  God just may use you to help them find the road out.  AVAILABILITY is the key when you're on the mountain.  Constantly asking God to use you to help others and for His heavenly "to-do-list" is a great way to start.

I hope this is helpful to you, whatever the address of your city is!  Let's get busy this week praying for the peace and prosperity of the city!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

God, where am I?

If you have been following the blog now, you know that I have been sharing from Jeremiah 29 in its context.  The example of the Israelites being carried off into exile for their sin and what God spoke to them while they were there, can teach us how to prepare for and expect deliverance in our own lives, or in the lives of others.  In recent days, I have come to realize that there are times in our own walks with God when we aren't in exile, but rather in the wilderness.  Exile and the wilderness often "feel" the same, (dry, far away from God, painful, etc.) but are two very different places.  It is the difference in those two places I want to discuss today.

Exile, is a place one is carried off to because of disobedience and sin.  Exile, is the consequence of sin.  It is usually the end result.  It comes only after continued opportunity to turn to God and away from sin.  It is a place where we are disciplined for sin.   As believers in Christ, this discipline looks a lot different than it did for the Israelites.  To us, an “exile” could be spiritual in nature.  Although, there are times when a believer will refuse to heed the prompting of the Holy Spirit to obey the “laws” in his/her heart and will continue on a course of sin and destruction.  This can lead to a literal exile such as having to serve time in jail… (I’ve seen it happen).  As mentioned in the previous post, God disciplines those whom He loves.  Sometimes it takes an exile, or a time of dealing with the consequences of our sin, to bring us back to Him (repentance).

The wilderness is a place God leads us to so that He can care for us and teach us to receive His provision. The wilderness is a place where, despite the struggle, we are strengthened.  Often times the wilderness will come before a breakthrough!  Think of the wilderness as the "to" in going from "Glory to glory" (2 Cor 3)!  The wilderness is where we get the tools and the empowerment for growth in our relationship with God.  The wilderness makes us desperate for more of God and less focused on ourselves.  When I think of the wilderness, I think of Jesus.  He had to be led by the Spirit into the wilderness before He could go to the cross.  He couldn't have one without the other (Matt 4:1, Mark 1:12, and Luke 4:1). This concept of being led into the wilderness can be seen in other places in Scripture (Hosea 13:5, Exodus 15:22, and Exodus 16-just to name a few).

If you're "feeling" like you're in either place, it would be wise to ask God, through the power of the Holy Spirit and with the revelation of the spirit of Wisdom, to show you
which camp you're in: exile? or wilderness?  Only the Father can reveal to you the truth.

Why would it be important to examine this?  It is important because it would be just like the enemy of our soul to deceive us into believing the opposite (really that's all the enemy ever does...he convinces us the opposite is true).   First, if you believe you are simply in the wilderness when in actuality sin (un repented of) has taken you to a place of exile, then the pride of the heart has kept you from seeing the sin in your life. If you can't see the sin, then the sin won't be dealt with (through repentance) and deliverance won't come. Remember exile is a consequence to sin.  Secondly, if you think (through condemnation and shame) that you are in exile when really you are in the wilderness (a place prepared for you by God), then you will fail to see what God wants to show you or to hear what He is trying to say! You will get trapped in the wilderness and not learn as quickly, the things God wants you to learn.

Can these principles in Jeremiah 29 be applied in both places?  I believe so, but knowing the difference in where you are helps in the application.  If we ask, He will show us; His sheep know His voice.  Taking the time to do this will be so important in our future discussions of Jeremiah 29.  From this point forward, I will try to be careful to distinguish between the two when it is necessary to do so.   Keep following along and it will all come together, I promise!

If after examining yourself, you can honestly say that you're not in a wilderness or in exile, then you are most likely in one of those seasons of “glory”.  AMEN!  Even then, allow this to soak into your heart so that you can help identify, in love, places of exile or wilderness in others.  Someone may be struggling in a dry, separated place, confused by where they are, and the Spirit can help you discern whether it is exile or wilderness.  Knowing where they are (not judging them), can help bring healing and restoration to them.  Remember also, that we are taken from glory to glory, so it is quite possible that the next step is a "from," so be ready! 

God wants to bring maturity into the lives of His believers in this hour.  It is necessary to know how to rely on Him and to hear His voice. Be willing to let Him lead you to the wilderness if necessary!  He loves you!

Monday, May 9, 2011


Well hello there!  You probably wondered what had happened to the Friday posts the past few weeks.  The truth is that sometimes in life we have to take intermissions.  Easter weekend was busy, we had no power and was hunkered down through the storm, a computer virus hit us, and then I had a child celebrating her birthday.  All the while, my heart longed to be able to share some things but I had to wait...

I am one to believe that all things happen for a reason and that all things come in their time.  Certainly God is like this, always doing things on His schedule rather than ours.  Ecclesiastes speaks of this well and another verse that comes to mind is Isaiah 55:8-9:

 "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts."  

To be honest, God had to work some things in me before I could continue here.  I needed an intermission, and quite possibly so did you.  I pray that He has been working His Truth in your heart and that the next installment out of Jeremiah 29 will be a word in due season for your soul.  I will end this intermission with the rest of Isaiah 55 for it speaks well to all I have said, and to where we are going.  Isn't God good?!  

" For as the rain and snow come down from the heavens, and return not there again, but water the earth and make it bring forth and sprout, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, So shall My word be that that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.  For you shall go out [from the spiritual exile caused by sin and evil into the homeland] with joy and be led forth [ by your Leader, the Lord Himself, and His word] with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.  Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the Lord for a name of renown, for an everlasting sign [of jubilant exaltation] and memorial [to His praise], which shall not be cut off." Isaiah 55:10-13 (Amplified Bible)

I see beauty coming from the ashes and unquenchable joy coming from the pain!  Do you see it too?